Eula Elementary Back to School Information 24-25
School Contact Info
Elementary Campus phone number: 325-225-0380
Principal - Mika Damron
Curriculum Coordinator - Danette Price
Counselor - Katey Fostel
Secretary - Karen Smith
Nurse - Brittany King
Office Assistant - Jessica Orozco
School Day Hours
7:50 am start time
3:35 dismissal
Tutorials/Breakfast: 7:30 - 7:50 am
Notes are required for all absences.
Students must be fever free, without vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours without medication before returning to school.
Students with frequent absences risk losing academic credit for the year.
Please contact the office by phone and send your teacher a message if your child will be absent.
When picking up your student early for an appointment or another event, please call the office prior to your arrival.
Set your student up for success by having them attend school everyday they're well!
ALL Households should complete the free/reduced lunch form regardless of economic status.
Breakfasts are FREE. Lunch prices: $2.75 for students, $3.75 for adults. Visit to access your child's lunch account.
Microwaves are available for foods from home that need to be heated, NOT cooked. Be sure your child is familiar with how to open the packaging on any foods sent from home.
Parents may eat lunch with their child after signing-in at the office.
School starts at 7:50 am. Student arriving after 7:55 will be marked tardy & must be accompanied by guardian to the office to be signed in.
Student may begin to arrive at school for breakfast at 7:30 am.
For your children's safety no student may arrive before 7:30 am
All car riders should enter the building through main cafeteria parking lot doors.
PM transportation changes must be made by 2:00 pm.
PK dismissal begins at 3:30 pm.
Remain in your vehicle while in the pick up line
Students in grades K-5 will be dismissed to the main cafeteria parking lot pick up line at 3:35 pm.
Our teachers and staff are AMAZING, and we need your help sharing the great things happening at Eula Elementary! If you would like to share a positive praise about a Eula Elementary staff member, send an email to Mrs. Damron will visit their classroom to share your kind words with a special surprise!
Reporting forms for bullying, harassment, or hazing can be found on the Eula website at