2023 School Bond Information
Thank you Eula ISD Voters for supporting the 2023 Bond. We will be fully funded in August, and can't wait to update you on all the exciting projects!
Eula ISD Community,
Eula ISD’s Board of Trustees has called a $24 million bond for the May 6, 2023 election. The Board dedicated several months to deliberating and discussing the Bond package details, including the preparation of a long term facilities plan.
The Board finalized the proposed items included in our Spring 2023 Bond several weeks ago. A list of proposed items that will be on the bond referendum for citizens of Eula ISD to vote on is outlined in below.
Safety and Security upgrades to High School Entrance
Renovating High School Layout to address Safety concerns
Renovation of old Middle School to address growth at Elementary
Addition of New Safe and Secure Elementary Office Area to connect old Middle School
New Maintenance Facility with covered bus parking
Ag Facility renovation / Classroom expansion
New Baseball/Softball Complex
Renovation and New Surface for Track & Field Facility
Roof and HVAC Replacements for JH/HS
Improved Parking and Traffic Circulation for JH/HS
New Elementary Playground
The district’s financial advisor has determined that there would be a tax rate impact to finance $24 million in bonds. Please visit the District website for more information on how this will impact you, and dates for public informational meetings.
Eula ISD has been focused on managing the district's tax rate and the amount of debt the district owes while improving and modernizing the facilities for Eula ISD students. The District is also focused on keeping local tax money within our district through bonds, in order to continue to use our general fund to compensate our teachers and provide for our students' needs.
Eula ISD has not sought a bond for major improvements in 25 years (1998). During this time our Board has worked to keep tax rates that are currently lower than many surrounding school districts, while still providing our students with facilities that are well maintained.
We are asking every citizen to be educated about the bond. It is important to have your voice heard during this election. Eula ISD residents will have the opportunity to vote on the Bond Referendum beginning with early voting April 24 - May 2, and on Election Day, May 6, 2023.
Tim Kelley
Public Meeting Dates:
Tuesday, April 4th, 2023 7:30PM, Elementary Auditorium
Tuesday, April 18th, 2023 7:30PM, High School Cafeteria