Awesome Attitude for the week of August 19th. Way to go Pirates, great job!!!!
over 5 years ago, Cody Bob Williams
Awesome Attitude Week of August 19th
Eula Sales Committee meeting on Thursday, August 22 at 6:30 in the High School Cafeteria.
over 5 years ago, Wayland Damron
Come be a part of the Eula Athletic Booster Club! The organizational meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 27th at 6:00PM in the High School Cafeteria. #PiratePride
over 5 years ago, Eula ISD
Booster Club Letter
Parents: If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the office by 10:00 am so we can excuse them.
over 5 years ago, Wayland Damron
Check out the video on the all new Eula ISD App. It is now available on Google Play and in the App Store.
over 5 years ago, Eula ISD
Here are some 7th graders in Ms. Nichols's 7th grade science class.
over 5 years ago, Wayland Damron
Nichols 1
NIchols 2
NIchols 3
Nichols 4
The Eula AG Project Barn is starting to take shape this week. We can't wait for the completion later this year that will provide a great work space for our growing FFA Program! #PiratePride
over 5 years ago, Eula ISD
Walls going up!
TEA officially released their 2019 Ratings this morning. Out of 42 schools in Region 14, Eula ISD was 1 of only 12 districts to receive an A Rating! Eula Junior High was the ONLY Junior High Campus in Region 14 to earn ALL 7 Academic Distinctions! Eula High received 3 of 6 Academic distinctions. Eula Elementary earned an Academic Growth Distinction. At Eula ISD, excellence is our standard. Great Students, Teachers, Parent, and Community leads to Excellence in Accountability. #PiratePride
over 5 years ago, Eula ISD
Some of our Juniors wanted to wish everyone a happy first day of school.
over 5 years ago, Wayland Damron
First day
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year! Elementary doors open at 7:30am and first bell rings at 7:50am. See you tomorrow for the start of an arrrrsome year!
over 5 years ago, Cody Bob Williams
Eula Pirate Parents and Students should go to the App Store and download the new Eula ISD App. This will be the communication hub for information replacing Schoolway. Be sure to go into Settings and select the notifications you wish to receive. Android users app coming soon!
over 5 years ago, Eula ISD
Correction. Meet the Teacher starts at 6:30
over 5 years ago, Wayland Damron
Eula Elementary Meet the Teacher tonight from 6:00-7:15. Start in the auditorium
over 5 years ago, Wayland Damron
What a year 2018-2019 was for Eula ISD. The Board of Trustees is proud of our Students and Staff for all the accomplishments. The teachers and staff are busy this week preparing to make 2019-2020 even better! Students begin classes on Thursday, August 15th. #PiratePride
over 5 years ago, Eula ISD
School Board Congratulates
Just a reminder that Freshman orientation will be August 6, and 7th grade orientation will be August 7. Both will start at 6:30 in the high school cafeteria.
over 5 years ago, Wayland Damron
Exciting news for Eula ISD Employees!
over 5 years ago, Eula ISD
Compensation Increases
Reminder: All Incoming 7th, 9th, and 11th Grade Athletes will need a Sports Physical. Action Sports Med will have Mass Physicals on Saturday, August 3rd at 9AM. You can also get the form off of UIL and go to the Doctor of your choice. Must be done by the 1st day of school!
over 5 years ago, Eula Athletics
Eula High School FFA Members had a great time at the State Convention in Fort Worth July 15th-19th.
over 5 years ago, Eula ISD
Eula FFA
Board of Trustee Members and Superintendent Tim Kelley stand in front of the site of the new Eula ISD Ag Project Facility. Construction began the first of July on the 7800 Square foot facility that will house show animals and provide a show arena for Eula ISD. #PiratePride
over 5 years ago, Josh Fostel
School Board
Eula Elementary School Supply List 2019-2020
over 5 years ago, Josh Fostel
Elementary School Supply 2019-2020