Junior High OAP is kicking off today with vocal warm ups - led by our high school OAP leaders!
over 5 years ago, Deann Powers
The advanced theater students performed their spoken word poetry today in front of the PALS class. This was a group hug that was given after an especially emotional performance. #EulaRocks #TheaterKidsAreSomethingSpecial #PALSArePrettyGreatToo
over 5 years ago, Deann Powers
spoken word poetry
Senior Parents Mark Your Calendars!! 2020 Project Graduation Meeting Tuesday September 17th at 6:30 in the HS cafeteria.
over 5 years ago, Kortni Collins
Eula ISD will host open house tonight. The Jr. High and High School will be from 6:30-7:30, and the Elementary will be from 6:00 to 7:00.
over 5 years ago, Wayland Damron
ETAPP will have a short meeting before Open House to present the budget. ETAPP members need to be in the auditorium by 5:45.
over 5 years ago, Katey Fostel
Get your Pirate Gear Today! Orders will be taken until September 25th. Follow the link below to the Eula Pirate Fan Cloth Store. https://fancloth.shop/JU9EG
over 5 years ago, Kortni Collins
Athletes: Mrs Booth will be at your lunches today to collect Texas Value Books and Money. Please have those ready for her TODAY!
over 5 years ago, Kortni Collins
Lorelia Row and Garrison Jones represented Eula FFA at the breeding boar goat show. Won Grand Champion buck, Reserve Champion buck and Reserve Champion doe.
over 5 years ago, Tom Farmer
Breeding boar goat 2019
The fourth graders had an enriching morning attending Food and Fiber Day at the West Texas Fair & Rodeo!
over 5 years ago, Mika Damron
Food & Fiber Llama
Food & Fiber Cotton
Food & Fiber Cotton
Food & Fiber Buddy
Ashlynn Vogler won Sr showmanship at the West Texas Fair and rodeo and placed 2nd with her market goat.
over 5 years ago, Tom Farmer
Goat show
Students in Mr. Danser’s math class using Google Classroom and Pear Deck to review for tomorrow’s math test.
over 5 years ago, Cody Bob Williams
Me. Danser’s math class.
Boys Cross Country Results @ Coleman. #PiratePride
over 5 years ago, Eula Athletics
CC Results @ Coleman
The Varsity boys and girls will run today at Coleman Country Club. The course is located 3 miles southwest of the High School on Highway 206. Varsity Girls begin at 4:00pm, with the boys following at 4:30pm. #PiratePride
over 5 years ago, Eula Athletics
Progress reports for the first six weeks are in the mail. There is Parent Portal, which you can use to monitor your students grades, with it as well.
over 5 years ago, Wayland Damron
Athletes! Your Texas Value Books for Booster Club are due on Wednesday Sept 11th. If you have money or books to turn in please get those in as soon as possible.
over 5 years ago, Kortni Collins
We are loving our new app! Access to sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android http://bit.ly/2yWtarR or iPhone https://apple.co/2OUTywU
over 5 years ago, Wayland Damron
Congratulations to the 832 runners who finished their race in today's Eula Invitational. Click here for Team results: https://5il.co/9wzy and here for Individual results: https://5il.co/9xat.
over 5 years ago, Eula ISD
The Eula Cross Country Invitational will begin with the Junior High races at 4:00pm Tuesday. We will have over 900 runners from 32 different schools participating! Come out and support these runners.
over 5 years ago, Eula Athletics
Awesome Attitudes for August 26-30! Great job!
over 5 years ago, Cody Bob Williams
Awesome Attitude
Grandparents Day at Eula Elementary
over 5 years ago, Katey Fostel
G parents invite