What a great first day! Thank you elementary families for such a smooth drop-off & pick up!! 🚨For safety & security, only parents of PK & Kindergarten students may walk their children in the building at drop-off until 8/26. We are looking forward to day 2!🏴‍☠️
over 2 years ago, Mika Damron
Middle School parents/guardians, a copy of your Parent Portal Code was sent home today with your child. If you do not have one setup already, use the code to setup your account and complete your online registration for 2022-23.
over 2 years ago, Cody Bob Williams
Every returning SECONDARY student for the 2022-23 school year MUST register for the new year. For returning students, please go the the Parent Portal, located under the MORE>DISTRICT WIDE>PARENT RESOURCES tabs and register for the new school year. Online registration is available for secondary students only. If you do not have Parent Portal access, please contact the office. Registration needs to be completed by Wednesday, August 24th. Here is the link to cut and paste: https://portal.ascender14.net/ParentPortal/login?distid=030906
over 2 years ago, Cody Bob Williams
TEA has released the campus ratings for the 2021-22 school year. Eula Junior High School's results were outstanding and one of the top in the Big Country. Congratulations to the students, teachers, staff and parents for this outstanding accomplishment. Thank you to the community for all your support of our school and helping make Eula a great place. #thisiseula
over 2 years ago, Cody Bob Williams
TEA Rating
The work our Staff, Students, and community do at Eula ISD is so much more than a "Grade", a "Rating", or a test result. That said, we strive for excellence in everything we do. Districts across the state recieved their 2022 accountability ratings this week. Eula ISD, once again, is an A RATED SCHOOL DISTRICT! Eula High School recieved the highest overall grade of any high school in the area. Eula Middle School recieved the 2nd highest overall grade of any Junior High in the area. We are so proud of our Staff, Students, Parents, and community! #thisiseula
over 2 years ago, Eula ISD
The TEA has released the campus ratings for the 2021-2022 school year. Eula High School's results speak for themselves. Congratulations to the students, teachers (present and past), and staff for this accomplishment. It is a great day to be a Pirate!!!! #thisiseula
over 2 years ago, Wayland Damron
high school rating
We've had a wonderful start this morning at Eula Elementary!! As a reminder, we'll follow the same pattern as last year for afternoon this dismissal.
over 2 years ago, Mika Damron
Elementary parents: Below you will find our Morning Drop-Off & Afternoon Pick-up maps. Follow your teacher's Class Dojo or Remind messages for changes or updates. If you have any questions, contact the elementary office at 325-529-3212. We can't wait to see our Pirates tomorrow morning and are looking forward to a GREAT year!🏴‍☠️🎉
over 2 years ago, Mika Damron
Join us in welcoming Ms. Schwartz to our team! We are excited to have her come aboard and serve our Pirates!🏴‍☠️#thisiseula
over 2 years ago, Mika Damron
Kindergarten & PK Parents - Visit the "Boo-Hoo / Woo-Hoo" room in the elementary library tomorrow morning. Donuts & coffee will be provided by ETAPP!
over 2 years ago, Mika Damron
Junior High Schedules for 7th and 8th grade will be handed out tomorrow morning, Wednesday August 17th, the first day of school. Students will meet in the cafeteria for a general assembly before being directed to their classes. 6th graders should already have their schedules and will be directed to PE/Athletics, extra copies will be available if needed. We will see you Tomorrow for the start to a great year!
over 2 years ago, Cody Bob Williams
Join us in welcoming Ms. Requenez to our team! We are excited to have her come aboard and serve our Pirates!🏴‍☠️#thisiseula
over 2 years ago, Mika Damron
Elementary families! Join us Monday at 6:00 in the auditorium! After meeting your teachers you’ll also have a chance to meet with the Bus Drivers, Chief Williamson, Eula Youth Softball, & Girl and Boy Scouts! We can’t wait to see you & kick-off a wonderful year!🏴‍☠️🎉
over 2 years ago, Mika Damron
Join us in welcoming Mrs. Haynes to our team! We are excited to have her come aboard and serve our Pirates!🏴‍☠️#thisiseula
over 2 years ago, Mika Damron
Reminder that tomorrow night will be 6th grade orientation from 6-7 pm at the secondary cafetorium. You are also encouraged to drop off school supplies if you desire. See you tomorrow evening!
over 2 years ago, Cody Bob Williams
Join us in welcoming Mrs. Neinast to our team! We are excited to have her come aboard and serve our Pirates!🏴‍☠️#thisiseula
over 2 years ago, Mika Damron
If you missed the news last night, here is a link to the story KTXS did on Eula ISD's process of creating our police department. https://ktxs.com/news/big-country/eula-isd-to-have-its-own-police-staff
over 2 years ago, Wayland Damron
Join us in welcoming Ms. Buchanan to our team! We are excited to have her come aboard and serve our Pirates!🏴‍☠️#thisiseula
over 2 years ago, Mika Damron
Eula ISD Staff, Students, and Community are praying for our friends in Cross Plains. #thisiseula
over 2 years ago, Eula ISD
Eula ISD Food Service Information for 2022-2023 Eula ISD is excited to announce a partnership with Southwest Foodservice Excellence (SFE) for the 2022-2023 school year. Please see the attached Press Release from SFE with more information. Free and Reduced Lunches will continue as they were pre-pandemic. Paid lunches for 22-23 will be $2.75 at the Elementary and $3.00 at the High School. Breakfast will still be free for students at both campuses. It is our hope that students and staff will enjoy the added options that will be available to them this year. Our same friendly Food Service staff has been working hard to train for the upcoming changes. Menus will be available soon through the Nutrislice link on our website. Money for meals will still be able to be deposited for your students through the "My School Bucks" link on our website. #thisiseula
over 2 years ago, Eula ISD